Worship TimesSunday Worship
9:30 A.M. Sunday Bible Study 10:45 A.M. Tuesday Bible Study 10:00 A.M. SERMON TITLES:"DARE TO BECOME"
Sermon Series Begins: February 16 "Dare to Become Like Peter: BOLD" Acts 4:8 February 23 "A LOVING FRIEND" Luke 6:27-38 |
Old Testament Reading Jeremiah 17:5–8 Epistle 1 Corinthians 15:1–20 Holy Gospel Luke 6:17–26 SERMON:"Dare to Become Like PETER: BOLD"
Acts 4:8 Last Weeks Attendance, etc.: In-Church - 98 WEB - 35 Offering/Vanco: $7,794.72 NEXT SUNDAY, FEB 23 WILL BE LUTHERAN HOUR MINISTRIES (LHM) SUNDAY. There will be a door offering to support LHM's Connect program.
LWML is excited to create a church pictorial directory and would love for everyone to be included! Photos will be taken after Sunday and Lenten Wednesday services in the conference room from February 23 to March 16. This project also doubles as a free will offering fundraiser to support our ministry. Let’s make this directory a special keepsake for our church family! LWML REQUESTS: The Trinity L.W.M.L. will be collecting new and gently used sunglasses (Non-prescription) for Most – Mission Opportunities Short Term. These are needed in hot, dusty climates around the world where cooking over an open fire is the norm. These conditions make healthy eye care very difficult and contribute to serious eye diseases. These sunglasses help protect God’s gift of sight. Also needed are SOFT eyeglass cases. Patterns for those that sew are available. Collection Box and patterns are available in the Narthex through the end of February. The Grand Canyon LLL District invites you to learn more on how to CONNECT at the conference on Saturday, March 8 at Life in Christ Lutheran Church, 14802 N 75th Avenue in Peoria, Arizona. Guest speakers: Polly F. G., Community Facilitator, LLL and Scott E., director, Luke2Project. Luke2Project provides Christians with T-shirts and gear that prompt Christ-centered, evangelistic conversations. Learn about this simple concept, BRITE Friday, and be ready for the Holy Spirit to open doors for conversations. Doors will open at 8:00 a.m. with a continental breakfast and the convention starting at 9:00 a.m. The convention concludes at 3:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend. Registration is free but required for seat and lunch count. Complete the online registration form at by February 28. If you have questions see Roger R. LWML FUNDRAISER: NEED HELPERS FOR PREPARING NEW COOKBOOK!– Please submit or provide favorite recipes to the below contact. Accepting recipes NOW. Please include your name and contact information when submitting recipe. Eunice W. – [email protected] Trinity Office – [email protected] Drop off – Information Center – front desk CONTACT Eunice if you want to help with Cookbook project! Phone: (303)854-8584 HELP NEEDED:EXTENDED HANDS FOOD BANK. Our next monthly in-gathering is Sunday, March 2nd. The Food Bank particularly needs Mac and Cheese, Canned Fruit, Peanut Butter & Jelly (plastic bottles only), and Frozen Meats, which can temporarily be stored in the church freezer. Please continue to contribute shelf stable items and/or checks that should be made out to the “Extended Hands Food Bank”. Thank you for your generosity!!
SERVICE SUPPORT: In support of our services we need more Ushers, Altar Guild ladies, and Greeters. If you are willing to serve in any of these roles, please contact Carolyn H., our secretary, at (480) 837-0130. Ushers will be trained by Pete V.. Altar Guild ladies will be trained by Jan V.. Greeters will be oriented by Carolyn H. Thank you very much! |
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